happy children in a classroom

504 Plan For ADHD

“People with ADHD have more thoughts before breakfast than most people have all day.”- Anonymous

The above quote indicates how people with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD) are comparatively more energetic, creative, and spontaneous in their daily lives. For a child with ADHD (or ADD), it can be difficult to get going in the morning and transition from home to school. Also, while in school, a child or adolescent with ADHD (or ADD) can struggle to transition between subjects and activities.

While children with ADHD have multiple strengths that can help them become very successful in the future, there are certain problems associated with the condition that can interfere with several aspects of their lives including home, academic, and social activities.

Most of us find it difficult to sit still, maintain focus, or control impulsive behavior sometimes. However, such problems are way too pervasive and persistent in people having ADHD disorder. ADHD, a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder, is estimated to affect around 11% of school-going children, causing symptoms such as immense hyperactivity and/or incapability to pay adequate attention or maintain focus for extended periods of time.

If such children are not provided with the required care and attention or are left without identification and proper treatment of the problem, it can drastically affect their lives, causing them to fail at school, leading to depression, accidental injuries, anxiety and much more.

What is a 504 Plan for ADHD?

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a psychological disorder. However, children with this disorder are generally not considered under the umbrella term of children having special needs. Yet, they require adequate assistance and more attention than children who do not have ADHD in order to act calmly and be attentive at school.

ADHD qualifies as a disability under the Section 504. To cater to the special needs of children with ADHD, a 504 Plan for ADHD comes into play. This plan is designed specially to put hyperactive or inattentive students’ focus back on learning through school district-approved accommodations.

All the features of the”504 plan for ADD” ensure that students accurately diagnosed with ADHD are provided with fair treatment in a classroom setting and are given privilege when required to cope with their disability.

Certain useful steps are taken by the teachers as mentioned in the “504 Plan for ADHD” to control the restless behavior of the child. Features of the plan may include providing them additional time to complete their work, seating them close to the teacher, allowing them to discuss lessons in private with a teacher, and much more. Also, school settings often require children to sit for extended periods of time. Sitting still for a long amount of time is difficult for almost anyone. A 504 Plan for ADHD can require the child to have extra breaks, stand to stretch or even just go for a short walk to help bring their focus back to the classroom. Physical activity is especially important to help with attention, hyperactivity, and poor focus.

ADHD testing and evaluation

ADHD cannot be diagnosed by teachers or school psychologists at school. It is a psychological disorder and requires comprehensive evaluation carried out by licensed healthcare professionals. Also, there is no single test to diagnose ADHD. Professionals use a variety of tests concerning the individual’s academic, social, and emotional functioning and developmental level, essentially incorporating the use of DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Professionals also request information from the school in order to better understand the child’s behaviors and struggles in the academic setting.

ADD Testing and Evaluation is a complex and time-consuming procedure but it is essential to develop a 504 Plan to cater to the needs of a child suffering from ADHD. Accurate ADD evaluation will help your child to benefit from academic accommodations by getting a suitable 504 plan approved.

Also, ADD Testing will allow you to provide proper treatment to the child and help identify certain triggers that can make ADHD symptoms worse for some children.

Therefore, you must see a licensed healthcare professional, such as a licensed Clinical Psychologist, to identify the severity of ADHD in your child and its possible treatments. At Dr. Angela Reiter & Associates in Eastchester, NY we can assist you in finding out if your child or adolescent’s symptoms are due to ADHD or another condition and provide recommendations based upon our findings.

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