What Is ADHD Testing Like?

Many patients often wonder “what is ADHD testing like?” What does a psychologist do when they are testing for ADHD? When you are being evaluated for ADHD, the process generally includes a detailed intake where we discuss your current symptoms, family relationships, educational and career history, and medical history. During the intake, we discuss the test battery that would best evaluate your presenting symptoms. This is likely to include IQ testing, achievement testing, neuropsychological testing and emotional testing. The next step is to schedule two to three testing dates to complete the tests. At Dr. Angela Reiter & Associates, we conduct all testing in the morning, when you are the most alert and less likely to be fatigued after work or school. Test days usually last around two hours each, with breaks as needed.

What is an ADHD test like? What are examples of IQ tests, achievement tests, neuropsychological or emotional tests? IQ, or intelligence tests include the WISC-V for children and the WAIS-IV for adults. An IQ test generally takes about an hour to complete. IQ tests evaluate an individual’s verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed abilities. Achievement tests include the Woodcock Johnson 4th edition-Achievement Battery. The WJ-IV evaluates an individual’s age and grade level performance in reading, writing, and math. Other achievement tests may include tests that focus in on an individual subject, like the Grey Oral Reading Test, the Test of Written Language, or the Feifer Assessment of Reading. These tests can help provide information on any specific deficits within an academic subject. Achievement tests take around 45 minutes to an hour to complete. Individuals with ADHD often have co-occurring conditions such as a learning disability or anxiety and/or depression so it is important to include tests to rule-out those conditions as well. Neuropsychological tests include the Continuous Performance Test, the Delis Kaplan Executive Function System, objective questionnaires, and the Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning. These tests take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour each. Neuropsychological tests assess an individual’s cognitive flexibility, inhibition, processing speed, verbal fluency, organization/planning abilities, and memory. Individuals with ADHD typically struggle with tasks that require cognitive flexibility. Finally emotional testing often includes objective questionnaires and projective testing like the Rorschach Inkblot Test. Projective testing usually takes around an hour to complete.

Once all of the tests are completed, the psychologist reviews and scores all of the tests that were completed and then integrates the patient’s background, observations made during the evaluation process (e.g. were you fidgeting, restless, distracted by outside noises) and the results of the tests to either confirm a diagnosis of ADHD or rule it out. The scoring, interpretation and report writing process generally takes two to three weeks. Then you will be contacted to come in and go over the detailed report. We review all of the results as well as provide a diagnosis (if one is found) and give you detailed recommendations for how your diagnosis can impact relationships, work, and school.

But what is an ADHD test like? What are you actually going to be asked to do during the tests? You will be asked to answer questions on a variety of academic subjects, complete puzzles with paper and pencil or visually, test your memory by listening or looking at something as well as use your imagination on emotional tasks. You will likely be tired at the end of the testing session, so it is important to get a good night’s sleep the night before and eat a good breakfast in the morning to ensure accurate results.

If you have been struggling with attention, concentration or impulsivity, contact Dr. Angela Reiter & Associates to day to schedule a consultation.

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